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Teo Stocco

Fractional Chief of Technology at KiWi and Exponent

Hi there 👋

I am currently a fractional Chief Technology Officer at KiWi and Exponent. I previously served as Smood's CTO and CDO after exiting my first start-up in foodtech. Prior to that, I studied neuro, computer & data sciences at EPFL and worked at Amazon, CERN and the Eclipse Foundation.

I spend most of my time building efficient systems, growing both people and the engineering capabilities of organizations. When I am not coaching or consulting, I chase security bounties and occasionally write about technology, engineering and systems of all kinds.



Low-cost Kubernetes cluster on Infomaniak

How to deploy k8s on a $30.— monthly budget or less.


A resource-based introduction to Kubernetes

Learn Kubernetes by its abtraction patterns.

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Open projects

© Teo Stocco. Texts and images are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license, unless stated otherwise. Website's source code is available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.